Student Success Story Highlight of the Week: Allice Brown

About Allice:

Allice was born in raised in NY and has a passion for STEM. She recently participated in a science technology internship based out of New Hampshire, and spent the summer doing data analysis work at a local university.

Keep reading below to learn about the skills Allice’s employers encouraged her to tap into.

Should you have any questions or want to reach out to chat with Allice, her phone number is 111-111-1111, and her LinkedIn can be found at

According to Allice, the top five skills that helped her succeed in her role include:

Working in a fast-pace environment, there may be projects that pop up that can take higher priority than what you’re currently working on that day. It’s important to be able to switch directions when needed and be open to change.

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Allice recommends watching the short clip below for further adice when beginning a data science internship

By Shannon Desmond
Shannon Desmond