The mission of the Sloan Gaming Club is to provide a welcoming forum for students of all skill levels to come together and play recreational games of all genres. Gaming, like community meals or team sports, is inherently a social activity and our club will provide an additional medium for Sloanies to mingle over. Whether you’re a Mario Kart champ, a pen and paper dungeon crawler, or a Clue master sleuth, we are a club for gamers and gamers-to-be of every stripe.
Slack: #gaming-interest
Members will receive the following benefits:
a. Rent a board game from us for an event (billed a late return fee if not returned on time)
b. Social treks, local and out-of-area if enough people (i.e. Boston FIG Fest, E3, etc.)
c. Social gatherings (some with food!) to meet fellow gamers
d. Ability to share your own games from home or past experiences and find players to join (we already have a lot of these cases!)